Roofing Louisiana Platinum

5 Ways Cheaper Quotes Can Cost You


Beware of Low-Bid Bargain Roofers

Especially when storms roll through South Louisiana, a slew of contractors come knocking to offer a homeowner a very low bid on their roof. BUT BEWARE! Cheaper quotes can cost you. Beware of these Low-Bid Bargain Roofers. Their bids may sound like a great deal to a homeowner, but here are 5 ways cheaper quotes can cost you more.

Want to know some of their tricks and tactics? Watch this video, as Anna Olivier interviews our Production Manager, Shad Lantier, who has seen it all (or most). OR skip down and read for yourself.

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5 Ways Cheaper Quotes cost homeowners and compromise roof systems:

We’ve seen some shady contractors cut costs by not stripping to the deck. This is a popular way to cut costs.

There is a layer of felt over your decking system which is Plywood, OSB, or tongue and groove. Some contractors are just removing shingles, leaving the existing felt. The proper way to replace a roof is to remove all that felt.

Without removing the underlying felt, it’s impossible to see water damage on the decking. Removing the felt ensures that water-stained and rotten decking is replaced.

Other roofers may say they save you money by attaching your new shingles to your old felt and decking, but shingles on rotten wood will not last. The new shingles will blow off in a strong wind. Leaks will occur. This will lead to costly repairs to both the exterior AND INTERIOR of your home.

Not only that, it will also void your warranties as your roof was not installed according the manufacturer specifications.


Another way bargain roofers cut costs is by not replacing flashing when redoing your roof.

On a home, you typically have roof-to-wall flashing, apron flashing, and chimney flashing. Your older flashing may look decent, just a little bit of aging, and seems like it doesn’t need to be replaced. However, when we remove the flashing, we often see that the backside is rusted.

This means there was moisture getting in through the nails. A roofer who is cutting corners couldn’t see that. But since you, the homeowner can’t see it either, this is something that a lot of the contractors are not replacing.

If old, compromised flashing is not replaced, within month to just a few years, a leak will occur. Again, this leads to costly repairs to replace the flashing, re-do the new shingles, and fix interior damage. A failure to do this right the first time will cause you to pay twice for these shingles around your flashing.

We understand that you don’t want to be over-charged, but why would you want to spend thousands of dollars on a “new roof” to only have it fail within a few years, maybe within a few months?


Another important thing to consider is installation. Installation is the NUMBER ONE cause of voided warranty. It is the first thing a manufacturer will look for after receiving a claim. Improper installation voids any and all warranties you have on your roof.

This is more difficult to vet up front, but make sure your contractor has a solid reputation. We often remove shingles that were improperly installed. If nails are placed too high, there’s a greater chance of your shingles sliding off due to a little bit of wind. Some contractors also skimp on the number of nails used. At Roofing Louisiana, we guarantee 6 nails per shingle.


As we all know, high-quality materials usually cost more. Shoddy roofers tend to use inferior products to cut down on costs. Even though most architectural shingles are rated for 130mph, thickness and quality varies. Some shingles rip and tear easily, and the problem escalates when they are improperly installed.

As an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor, we recommend high-quality shingles, such as Owens Corning shingle with SureNail™ Technology. These shingles have a reinforced nail strip which is a line to properly nail the shingle, adds extra strength, and helps the shingle stick very well.

And once the nails are inside this nail strip, it’s very, very hard to remove. These shingles come with impressive wind ratings and pull strength tests.


Inexperienced, or less thorough, roofers also neglect proper roof ventilation.

If a roof doesn’t have proper ventilation, it will weaken shingles, causing them to become brittle and ineffective. It causes the shingles to “bake” from top and bottom, which reduces the life of the shingle. This is another factor that can void your warranty. Improper ventilation will void most, if not all shingle’s warranties.

We often remove shingles that easily tear due to improper ventilation. Again, at Roofing Louisiana, we always replace full roof systems. From damaged decking and flashing to ensuring proper ventilation, we do things right the first time to prevent you costly problems in the future.

These are just 5 ways cheaper quotes cost you. There are even more ways that contractors will cut costs. The lower bid may sound good to an innocent homeowner, but it really does cost more in the long run.

So, what can you do?

  1. Download 10 Ways Cheaper Quotes Can Cost You. This free pdf will remind you about what you just read and alert you to a few more tricks.
  • When hiring a contractor, don’t just look at the bid amount, have a candid conversation. Make sure you get a roof system that lasts, not just new shingles. Get everything in writing, including the brand of shingle and what will be replaced.
  • Special Note: Closely observe fine print. Many say, if flashing isn’t changed, there’s no warranty. Other warranties may be voided by tear to the underlayment, which covers the contractor in case of leak, and they will charge you more to fix what they didn’t do right the first time.  
  • Contact Roofing Louisiana. We’ll give you a free quote.

At Roofing Louisiana, we replace entire roof systems to make sure each component lasts the lifetime of your roofing system. We’re your neighbors. We care about you and want to help you make the best decision for your home.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Download 10 Ways Cheaper Quotes Can Cost You and call us if you need an expert estimate.

We’re here if you need us. And remember, we’re not leaving town.

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