Roofing Louisiana: Leading Community Involvement In Acadiana With Genuine Care


Roofing Louisiana’s Community Involvement In Acadiana: Making A Difference

At Roofing Louisiana, we don’t just say we are a community-minded company that cares. We always look for ways to improve Acadiana. Yes, we serve the community through high-quality roof replacements, but our efforts stretch beyond our billable services. We fund and run several charitable programs, including our strong support for Lafayette Area educational programs.

Through the Tools for Schools program, the Jim Olivier Family of Companies partners with KATC3 to provide students and schools with books, equipment, computers, science kits, and more. We care about our community, and that means making sure Acadiana children have the tools they need to succeed.

Check out this video from Lafayette Middle School, where we delivered equipment for future performances.

For more amazing stories, from Westgate High to Sugarland Elementary, out the Tools for Schools page on the KATC3 website.

Roofing Louisiana loves improving our community by giving our children better tools to succeed.

By the way, if you are an Acadiana educator in need, you can apply here.



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