Enhancing Roof Durability in Louisiana: Discover the Benefits of SureNail® Technology


Strengthen Your Roof with Sure Protection

As a Louisiana homeowner, protecting your property from extreme weather conditions is crucial. Your roof is the first line of defense. Whether facing hurricanes, heavy rain, strong winds, or scorching heat, your roof takes a beating. In this blog, we will explore the 4 main benefits of SureNail® Technology, a revolutionary roofing system by Owen’s Corning designed to enhance the durability and longevity of your roof. At Roofing Louisiana, our focus is on providing our customers with the best solutions, including the benefits of SureNail® Technology, ensuring long-term protection without extra cost in the long run.

1. Surer Wind Resistance:

Louisiana is no stranger to powerful storms and high winds. SureNail® Technology offers superior wind resistance by incorporating an innovative nail strip into the roofing shingles. This advanced design ensures that each shingle is securely fastened to the roof deck, reducing the risk of shingle blow-offs during severe storms. With the traditional four-nail application, the shingles may be vulnerable to wind uplift. However, SureNail® Technology provides enhanced resistance, capable of withstanding winds of up to 130 miles per hour (backed by a warranty, though in the case of hurricanes, all warranties are voided as acts of God).

However, Roofing Louisiana wants you to get the most from your roof, so we follow a 6-nail standard. Though we can’t guarantee performance in case of hurricanes, NONE OF OUR ROOFS BLEW OFF DURING HURRICANE IAN. Watch this and see the proof that proper installation of a superior performing shingle offers better protection for your home.

2. Surer Design for Reduced Nail-pop:

Nail-pops occur when roofing nails gradually work their way up through the shingles due to temperature changes–natural expansion and contraction. These protruding nails can affect the overall integrity of the roof, potentially leading to water leaks and roof damage. SureNail® Technology addresses this issue by using a special triple-layer, reinforced fabric strip positioned over the common bond area of the shingle. This strip provides exceptional holding power for the nails, minimizing the risk of nail-pops and ensuring a smooth, uniform appearance for your roof.

3. Surer Adhesive Power:

SureNail® shingles utilize a powerful adhesive that enhances the bond between the shingle layers, providing increased strength and durability. This adhesive technology helps to reduce the risk of shingle delamination, where the layers of the shingle separate over time due to exposure to harsh weather conditions. By maintaining a secure bond, this advanced technology ensures that your roof remains intact, protecting your home from water infiltration and potential interior damage. With SureNail® Technology, homeowners can have confidence in the long-lasting performance of their roof, even in the face of extreme climate conditions.

4. Surer Protection Against Water Infiltration:

This past summer aside, Louisiana is used to frequent rainstorms—which means water infiltration is a significant concern for homeowners. SureNail® Technology incorporates a unique “triple-layer,” reinforced fabric strip in the shingle’s nailing zone, providing an extra barrier against water penetration. This added layer of protection helps to prevent moisture from seeping into the roof deck and attic, reducing the risk of mold growth, wood rot, and structural damage.

By investing in a roofing system equipped with SureNail® Technology, Louisiana homeowners can fortify their homes against water-related issues and ensure the overall health and longevity of their property.

For these 4 reasons, and more, Roofing Louisiana strongly recommends SureNail® Technology to all of our roof replacement customers. From enhanced wind resistance to reduced nail-pops, exceptional adhesive power, and increased protection against water infiltration, this advanced technology provides added durability and longevity to your roof. When choosing roofing material, consider the benefits that SureNail® Technology can bring to your home.

Make sure your roof is done right the first time. And remember, besides the SureNail® shingles product warranty, all of Roofing Louisiana workmanship is guaranteed by us and by Owens Corning. Why trust your home’s first line of defense to anyone else?

Read more @ https://www.owenscorning.com/en-us/roofing/surenail



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