Roofing Louisiana Platinum

Quality Roof Insurance

Let our experienced team get you the full coverage you deserve

You’re under enough stress .

Let us help with Your Roof Insurance Claims .

Our Guarantee

Don’t let a roofing contractor talk you into insurance fraud .

Most Lafayette area homeowners do not understand the process or the rights we have as homeowners. And while “Roof Insurance” may not be a specific policy, most home insurance policies include coverage for roofs.

You MUST pay your deductible – so you aren’t guilty of insurance fraud (as explained in the video) -but rest assured that our insurance department will help you navigate the confusing system.

At the end, you’ll be confident that you received the maximum benefit and the right roof system.

You paid premiums for through all those years, right?

What's the Deal?

You have Roof insurance for when things go wrong, but ...

  • How can you be sure you’re getting the full coverage you need?
  • What if problems show up later?
  • What if you get shortchanged and have to pay more out of pocket?
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We have set the customer service standard .

How it's done

Call Roofing Louisiana

We’ll walk you through the process

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Roof Damage Assessment

Let our experienced team evaluate your insurance estimate and your roof.

Make sure the adjuster didn’t miss something – and know you aren’t getting shortchanged.

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File Your Insurance Claims

There are so many forms! Let us make sure you don’t miss something important..

We negotiate & submit documents for supplementary funding as needed..

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Restore Your Roof Right

We’ll make sure your roof is done right.

From roof repair or a full roof replacement, you are getting the best products and a job guaranteed by Roofing Louisiana and Owens Corning.

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